Saturday 4 May 2013


Lime – dark chocolate
170g of self-rising flour – the zest and juice of 2 limes – 100g of brown caster sugar – 3 eggs – 15cl of single cream – 100g of melted butter – 100g of dark chocolate (or milk).

Preheat the oven to 180° C. 
In a bowl, beat the eggs one by one with the sugar.
Add to this mixture the cream, the butter and the flour.
Divide half of the dough into another bowl. You have now 2 bowls.
Melt the chocolate (MW for 2 mm @ 180). 
In the first bowl, add the melted chocolate, stirring well.
In the second bowl, add the lime zest and juice, stirring well. 
Butter and line a cake tin and spoon alternate layers of each mixture (one chocolate, one lime, etc…).
Bake for 25-30 minutes.

Coconut – dark chocolate
100g of desiccated coconut - 170g of self-rising flour – 100g of brown caster sugar – 3 eggs – 15cl of single cream – 120g of melted butter – 100g of dark chocolate (or milk).

Preheat the oven to 180° C.
In a bowl, beat the eggs one by one with the sugar.

Add to this mixture the cream, the butter and the flour.

Divide half of the dough into another bowl. You have now 2 bowls.

Melt the chocolate (MW for 2 mm @ 180).
In the first bowl, add the melted chocolate, stirring well.

In the second bowl, add the coconut, stirring well.
Butter and line a cake tin and spoon alternate layers of each mixture (one chocolate, one coconut, etc...).
Bake for 25-30 minutes. 

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I wish I could be RED sometimes... Enjoy this amazing back sitter. Aerobatic will have no mystery for you then...